
我要投稿 15689 条评论 130 2021-10-01 07:30:59


  关于成功的英语四级作文篇1:Factors of Success

  I would rather suffer hardships than fail. In other words, to achieve success is my only desire. We all know that there are many factors of success. Now let me write down the important ones in the following. Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works hard. That does not admit of any doubt.

  Perseverance—When you fail, don‘t lose heart. Keep on working until you accomplish your aim.

  Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you. I would rather be scolded than cheat (others).


  As is vividly depicted in the picture, there is a boyplaying a phone happily at home, not wanting to goto school, with his father begging him to give upplaying games and go to school worriedly. Furthermore, there is a caption under the picture,which reads “Why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?” The drawer’sintention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking.

  Admittedly, phone plays an essential part in this information era. We should not, however,neglect the significance of learning independently. To begin with, learning independently is thetradition of our culture. Not only should we inherit from our ancestors, but also we shouldhand down to our descendants. It is the spirit of learning independently that makes us betterand stronger. What is more, learning independently, one of the greatest fashionable themesof our era throughout the history of mankind all around the world that I have ever known in mywhole life, which is the greatest that there ever was and the greatest that there ever will be, ismomentous and fundamental to people what the soul is vital and significant to us. If it hadnot been for learning independently, we could not have been success.

  Judging from the reams of evidence, it is safe for us to conclude that learning independentlyis a critical quality for success. Only if we acquire this quality and work hard toward ourgoals, can we achieve success.

  关于成功的英语四级作文篇3:The Key of Success

  There are many billionaire businessmen in the world, such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. One the one hand they have made their fortunes through fair and legitimate means, on the other hand they enjoy closed relationships with others and are full of passion for the work in which they are engaged.

  Life would become insignificant without quality personal relationships with families and friends. Every dollar we earned would be worthless if we don’t have companions with whom to share our success and failure, joys and sorrows. Besides strong relationships, genuine success requires a fulfilling vocation too. Some people are born into rich families or generate substantial wealth through lucky circumstances, such as buying a winning lottery ticket. Despite being wealthy, these individuals would not qualify as success unless they had a career or purpose in life to keep them positive and nurture their souls.

  Everyone is eager to be a successful man but not everyone can do it. It requires endless passion, hard-working and excellent interpersonal relations with others to succeed.

  关于成功的英语四级作文篇4:On Success

  Success can be defined from different perspectives. Some believe that being a rich businessman is

  considered a successful life, while others put family life as their priority. As for me, success is not about how many money one can make, or how much fame one can achieve, or how much power one can hold, but about how much difference one can make to other people’s lives.

  According to the renown American psychologist Maslow’s five hierarchies of human needs, the

  basic human needs such as food, shelter, air, drink, sleep, safety and even love are not enjoyed only by human beings, which means that other animals can also possess these natural demands from the natural environment. However, what separate humans from other animals is the need that humans have more advanced requirement from the society where they can create self-esteem and eventually move up to realize their own spiritual dreams. Thus, it is not the material gains that can make people feel happy and successful, but the spiritual satisfaction can really push them to the feeling of being successful.

  Life is a miracle and success not because of one’s material gain, but because of one’s fulfillmentof his/her spiritual goal.

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