
我要投稿 15964 条评论 86 2021-10-01 07:33:17




  "Where do whatever, when successful, the difficulty most. Line Barry half 90, when the world's works were interested, I can not quit, can not mien. - Liang "


  "Experience tells us: less successful relationships and ability, and a large enthusiastic relationship. - Beike Deng "


  Successful brain like a bore action - to this point. - Bovee


  "Miles at death, toward a success. - Gao "


  Success = hard work + + less empty talk the right way. - Albert Einstein


  "According to their own will to do it, do not listen to those who gossip, you will be successful. - Jonas Leidan Hoxha "


  A successful man is a sense of humor to deal with setbacks. - James Pan


  "I am convinced that superior creative work, is always a successful agent forward the wheel axis - was, yes, the future is the same. - Leo Burnett "


  "I was a trouble, and I believe this may be the main reason for my success, I do believe that every person has failed to do, and that way I do these things, so that everyone says I'm crazy. - American Gino Bao Luoqi "


  "Integrity and honesty have not found a substitute for, the lack of it that people can not succeed. - Bremer "


  "When you do succeed one thing, do not wait to enjoy the honor, should be required to do those things. - Pasteur "


  "Any self-improvement, which will eventually succeed. - Goethe "


  "Honor jealous success, but success was that he is honor. - Rostand "


  "The reality is that this side, success is the other side, separated by fast flowing rivers, interest is the bridge on the river, as long as the action can pass. - Krylov "


  "Successful people naturally powerful, strong entrepreneurial end of road. - Liang "


  "For the class and national liberation, as the success of the party's cause, I do not care for that magnificent building, but would rather live in shabby huts wet; do not care delicious Western dishes, preferring to swallow barbed mouth bud millet and cabbages; do not cherish comfortable soft spring bed, preferring to sleep in the pigsty nest like a dog shelter. - Fang Zhimin "


  "Conditions for success lies in the courage and self-confidence, courage and self-confidence but rather comes from the sound mind and a healthy body. - Cologne "


  "Innate quality of the environment, and lack of odd, the key to success lies entirely his own efforts. - Wang "


  "In order to succeed in life, the young man must learn to be independent, to eradicate ambush around obstacles in his family to be educated so that he has a man recognized by the independent personality. - Dale Carnegie "


  "Life is short, this sentence should promote wake everyone to do all he wanted to do. Although diligent not guarantee success, death may Cuizhe thriving career, but those who attempted exploits, has participated in at least A military honor, even if he did not win, but also considered fought. - Johnson "


  "The world is absolutely not warm the courage to pursue success, and people can succeed. - Napoleon "


  "And the winners are not self, and the world you did not have. - Liu "


  "In support of a lofty goal, keep working, even if slow, they will certainly be successful. - Albert Einstein "


  Successful art is no trace of artificial polish. - Ovid


  "Revolution is not successful, comrades still work. - Sun Yat-sen "


  It must continue to cultivate the ability to continue to do it, they must be ready to improve learning methods to improve the efficiency of learning, to be successful. - Tao "


  "Lazy punishment not only their own failures, as well as the success of others. - Vladimir Renard "


  "If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as staff to be careful as your brother and hope as your sentry. - Thomas Edison "


  "Beware, several traps man road to success: the desire for power, lust, desire wealth. Remember, the success of the road a few handrails women: self-respect, self-esteem, self-reliance. - Word strict "


  Arrogance is the quicksand of success. - Abby


  "Without the help of the knowledge of the system, innate talent is powerless. Intuitive can solve a lot of things, but not everything. And scientific genius to get the most successful combination. - Spencer "


  Diligence is the mother of success. - Mao Yisheng


  "I die country life, my death still wing, body lived and mental longevity, success pay the price to achieve Datong. - Zhao Bosheng "


  "Flower of success, people often amazed its present vivid colors, but the original, but it's bud soaked struggle Leiquan, bathed in a shower of blood sacrifice. - Bing "


  "I was able to succeed in science, the most important point is that love of science, adhere to long-term exploration. - Darwin "


  "Successful people have a noble spirit, they have a bold and courageous. They dictionary, there is no ""fear"" of the word, they are confident of their ability to be able to dry all the undertakings, they consider themselves they are a valuable person. - Dale Carnegie "


  "Our success is a strong moral material through struggle; This moral applies to both countries, but also applies to individuals. - Russell "


  "To want to be a true hero is no choice, often either success or pay the price. - Hitchcock "


  "Carried out in practice by the envisioned by the hope becomes successful, it was in their career development into the right path. - Feng "


  "Theory thorough, strategic accurate. Then with courage and unwavering spirit against all odds to go forward dry, there must be a successful day. - Fen "


  "Success can attract friends, frustration can challenge friends. - Xi Nasi "


  "I noticed a young man, I do ten things every nine unsuccessful there, so I stay here to work ten times. - George Bernard Shaw "


  Success is when a sudden burst the dam filled with vitality and import a proper channel. - Huaihong


  "When you want to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend. - Thomas Edison "


  Confidence is the first secret of success. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  "Who lack talent but not the ambition, but not the ability to succeed industrious will. - Ministry of Er Wei "


  "Chances are very rare, but he qualified three successful, that is ""run like a deer leg generally, visiting the busy road effort, and patience as Jews - Balzac "


  "Because when your heart is full of joy and success, there is no time to decadence. - Frank Meyer "


  The first law of survival is: nothing is more dangerous than yesterday's success. - Futurist Alvin Toffler


  "The first human king but a successful soldier, hero of the country without glory ancestors. - Voltaire "


  "Successful people with disabilities often difficult to incur jealousy. Because they have defects, people willing to endure their wide success. Often make potential opponents ignore their competition and challenges. - Bacon "


  The secret to success is to work harder than others and more every day. - Taiwan's long Hongyi Group factory training

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